food pantry & other services

what we offer

food pantry

  • Our Food Pantry is located:

    663 S Berendo St. Los Angeles, CA 90005.

    Hours of Operation:

    Wednesday & Friday 9am - 12pm.

    Items distributed vary from shelf stable foods to frozen goods and fresh fruits and vegetables.

    *Most items require refrigeration preparation

  • Ready to eat meals offered for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.

    Hours of Operation:

    Wednesday & Friday 9am - 12pm.

diaper & menstrual programs

  • Diapers sizes 1-6 thanks to the amazing support of the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, Baby2Baby we are able to help families in need with diapers and other baby essentials.

    First time participants must bring child to sign up.

    Hours of Operation:

    Tuesday 10am-12pm

  • Menstrual products are available to all participants who enroll for the program.

    Hours of Operation:

    Tuesday 10am-12pm

health & wellness

  • flu and covid vaccines are offered to our community twice yearly in collaboration with Cedar Sinai Hospital at no cost for adults and children.

  • available during food distribution days for our unhoused neighbors

  • Queens Care is offering free onsite wellness screening every first and third Wednesday of the month.